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Within the first minute of meeting Plum, Evelyn knew he was her soul mate. Knowing her parents, Col. Mustard & Mrs. White, would never approve of her marrying a commoner like Professor Plum, especially after only knowing him for a month, Evelyn quickly accepted Plum’s proposal of an elopement. When she came home to share the news with her parents, she was surprised and thrilled to find that they were happy that their daughter had finally found true happiness.They agreed to give the couple their blessing on one condition: Mrs. White would be able to throw the couple a beautiful wedding reception at their estate. Members of high society have traveled from near and far to celebrate the marriage of one of the wealthiest heiresses in the country… Until Evelyn winds up DEAD!

Mr. Green

Mr. Green is a long-time, trusted family friend of the Mustards
From an aristocratic family himself, Mr. Green is a wealthy attorney and financeur who handles all of the Mustard’s affairs.
Growing up in the same circles, it was always presumed that one day, Mr. Green and Evelyn would marry. Last month, Green even sent out his great grandmother’s engagement ring to be cleaned and sized in preparation of a proposal. That all changed when Evelyn met that lowly and unrefined joke of a man, Professor Plum.

Col. Mustard

A stern, unwavering aristocrat, Col. Mustard is surprisingly soft when it comes to his family. He has seen some tough things and has realized all he wants for his family is happiness. Col. Mustard hated the idea of Evelyn being married to Professor Plum and their eloping behind his back made his blood boil. It was only after Evelyn cried in his arms saying that he was the only man that would ever make her happy that he gave the couple his blessing. Col. Mustard’s wife, Mrs. White, was not as easily convinced but he was able to sway her into agreement by reminding her that having an estranged or divorced daughter was more socially unacceptable than having a daughter married to a lowly professor.

Mrs. Peacock

Social standing means everything to Peacock. It is her duty to carry on her family’s legacy and she plans to uphold their esteemed name in every way possible. Whether it be how she dresses, who her friends are, or who she marries, she will not settle for less than perfection. To Peacock, it seemed that everything always came easier to her cousin Evelyn. She was effortlessly the definition of grace and charm while Peacock spent years in etiquette classes. A casual smile from Evelyn had their grandparents enamored while Peacock spent everyday working to gain their affection. And then there was Green. Peacock has been completely in love with him since they were kids but with Evelyn around, he never gave so much as a glance in her direction. To say she was jealous would be an incredible understatement. After hearing that Green had sent his great grandmother’s ring to be sized, and always knowing the day would come that Green and Evelyn would one day marry, when she received an invitation for a wedding reception hosted by the Mustards, she assumed it was in honor of them. This would be her last chance to show Green that she is the one he should be with.

Professor Plum

Normally devoted to his research, a night of enjoyment at a bar was completely out of character for Professor Plum. After a rough meeting spent selling his soul to the wealthy donors he depends on for his research, he felt like he deserved a drink. When Scarlet strutted her way into the bar, in that red dress, headed straight toward him, he knew his life would never be the same. Dating Miss Scarlet was a whirlwind of excitement and passion but it was not until he met her best friend Evelyn that he realized what true love was. Their chemistry was electric, bodies magnetic. Hercules himself would not be strong enough to tear the two apart. Scarlet stood no chance. Not surprisingly, Scarlet did not take it well when Plum called things off with her. She has been sending him and Evelyn threatening letters and showing up unannounced ever since.

Crystal Routon – Miss Scarlet

Ever since meeting at boarding school, Miss Scarlet and Evelyn were inseparable, more like sisters than friends. Scarlet was a free spirit who loved adventure and she was a thrilling change to the uptight, beige world that Evelyn was accustomed to. Scarlet was orphaned and sent to boarding school through government assistance programs. She did not have a nickel to her name and felt completely out of place surrounded by all of the students who came from exorbitant wealth. She never thought someone like Evelyn Mustard would look twice at her, let alone become her best friend. When Scarlet met the love of her life, Professor Plum, she could not wait to introduce him to her best friend. She never could have imagined that the introduction would mean losing both of the most important people in her life.

Christina Jackson – Mrs. White

All Mrs. White ever wanted for her daughter was the same thing she wanted for herself. A comfortable aristocratic life full of beautiful gowns and lavish parties.
When Mrs. White found out her daughter Evelyn had eloped with a lowly professor, she was livid. After doing quite a number on her fine china collection, her husband Col. Mustard was able to calm her down and talk some sense into her. Afterall, having an estranged or divorced daughter is less socially acceptable than having one who married a poor professor. Plus, now she gets to throw the wedding reception of her dreams in the couple’s honor. Whether they want it or not.
Now, if she can just get Professor Plum on track for a real profession, all will be well.

Wadsworth, The Butler

A new addition to the Mustard household, having Wadsworth the butler around has been a bit of an adjustment for the family. He has outstanding references but there is just something off about him. Wadsworth prides himself on being the best of the best in the business which means he is always there whether you need him or not. It may appear that he is snooping around or listening in on private conversations but he is just doing his job making sure everything is in order.

Yvette, The Maid

Although Mrs. White would never admit to it publicly, Yvette is her best friend. She was a second mother to Evelyn, a shoulder to cry on while Col. Mustard was away on duty, and a true confidant. After losing her whole family as a child and then losing her husband in a horrible accident in their first year of marriage, Yvette was alone and felt completely lost. The Mustards were her saving grace. After taking her in and treating her kindly at the lowest point in her life, there is nothing Yvette wouldn’t do for the Mustards.

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